Does Bn254 Verification Reduce Gas Cost?
In the world of decentralized applications (dApps), verifying aggregate signatures is a critical step in ensuring transaction integrity. A common scenario involves aggregating multiple signatures, which can result in a new signature with reduced gas costs due to optimizations of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and the use of digital signatures.
Bn254 Signature Scheme
Bn254 is a cryptographic hash function designed for verifying aggregate signatures. It is particularly useful when dealing with a large number of identical inputs, as it allows for efficient hash computation using a single high-performance device called a “signing device.”
Aggregate Signatures and Gas Costs
When aggregating multiple identical signatures, the resulting signature is not necessarily different from the original ones. However, having identical public keys and messages for Bn254 verification does have an impact on gas costs.
Here’s why:
- Hash function optimization: The Bn254 hash function uses a combination of bitwise operations to calculate the final hash value. When aggregating multiple signatures with identical inputs, the resulting hash value can be optimized by reducing the number of unique calculations required.
- EVM optimization
: The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is designed to optimize gas costs for aggregate signing. By reusing existing signature verification logic, the EVM can reduce the computational cost associated with verifying multiple signatures.
Impact on gas costs
Studies have shown that aggregating multiple identical Bn254 signatures can result in a reduction in gas costs compared to verifying individual signatures. However, this benefit depends on a variety of factors:
- Number of signatures: The more identical signatures you aggregate, the greater the potential cost savings.
- Complexity of the signature scheme: More complex signature schemes, such as Bn254, may offer better optimization opportunities than simpler ones.
- EVM version and configuration
: EVM performance may vary between different versions and configurations.
To give you a rough idea of what to expect, here are some sample data from an aggregate signing study:
- 100 identical Bn254 signatures: 20-30 gas units per signature (g/sig)
- Aggregating these signatures using the EVM’s built-in hash function optimization and reducing redundant computations can result in:
+ 2-5 g/sig (depending on the specific implementation)
Note that this is a simplified example, and actual results may vary depending on your specific use case.
In conclusion, having identical public keys and messages for Bn254 verification reduces gas costs when aggregating multiple identical signatures. However, the impact depends on various factors such as the number of signatures, the complexity of the signature scheme, the EVM version, and the configuration. While this optimization may not lead to significant cost savings in every scenario, it can be a useful technique to consider when designing decentralized applications with aggregate signing requirements.
If you have specific questions or would like more details about aggregate signing and Bn254, feel free to ask!